Capital@Art International CATALOGUE
《资本 @ 艺术·国际》Capital @ Art International
图书在版编目(C IP)数据《资本 @ 艺术·国际》 庸现编 . -- 初版 - 2019.
1. 当代艺术 2. 画册 3. 艺术评论 ISBN 978-3-948591-53-3
1. Contemporary Art 2.Catalogue 3. Art Critics
This book is published in conjunction with the exhibition Capital@ Art International organized by Ost >Stern Center for Art, Frankfurt and the I O Cultural Network e. V. Wiesbaden, presented at the Ost >Stern Center for Art.
本书系德国艺术联网交流协会(I O Cultural Network e. V) 与东方之星( Ost>Stern) 联合主办,在举行的展览《资本 @ 艺术·国际》展 Capital @ Art International 所印行。
出版 | Published by
德国 I O Cultural Network e. V 艺术联网交流协会 | I O Cultural Network e. V
主编 | Editor-in-chief
庸现 Juan Xu
撰文 | Texts
Juan Xu
Li Xinmo
Li Yongzheng
Gao Brothers
Crocodile Power
Dirk Baumann
Sándor Szász
德国法兰克福莱茵美茵文化基金会 Special Thanks to
Kulturfonds Frankfurt Rhein-Main-Gebiet 法兰克福市文化局
Frankfurt Cultural Bureau
Dr. Rainer Haerle 狼&蝎
Lang & Cie 比尔克图片公司 Brieke
版权 ©2019:艺术家(图片)、作者(文章)、德国 I O Cultural Network e. V 文化交流协 , 2019.10 版权所有,未经书面协议许可,请勿翻印或转载。 本书所收录的图片和文字资料由艺术家提供,部分来自皮特·布 劳霍兹 、法兰西思卡·维特、咖里特· 图南、 庸现、克劳斯·顺 乐科斯。版权均归作者所有。
Copyright ©2019 by the Artists (photos, articles), Authors (articles), I O Cultural Network e. V.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
All works of art copyright the artists, their heirs and assigns.
The images and articles in the appendix are provided by the artists, part from
Peter Braunholz, Franzska Veith, Gareth Tynan, Juan Xu, Klaus Schoenekaes, All rights reserved by the artists, photographers and authors.
ISBN 978-3-948591-53-3
图书在版编目(C IP)数据《资本 @ 艺术·国际》 庸现编 . -- 初版 - 2019.
1. 当代艺术 2. 画册 3. 艺术评论 ISBN 978-3-948591-53-3
1. Contemporary Art 2.Catalogue 3. Art Critics
This book is published in conjunction with the exhibition Capital@ Art International organized by Ost >Stern Center for Art, Frankfurt and the I O Cultural Network e. V. Wiesbaden, presented at the Ost >Stern Center for Art.
本书系德国艺术联网交流协会(I O Cultural Network e. V) 与东方之星( Ost>Stern) 联合主办,在举行的展览《资本 @ 艺术·国际》展 Capital @ Art International 所印行。
出版 | Published by
德国 I O Cultural Network e. V 艺术联网交流协会 | I O Cultural Network e. V
主编 | Editor-in-chief
庸现 Juan Xu
撰文 | Texts
Juan Xu
Li Xinmo
Li Yongzheng
Gao Brothers
Crocodile Power
Dirk Baumann
Sándor Szász
德国法兰克福莱茵美茵文化基金会 Special Thanks to
Kulturfonds Frankfurt Rhein-Main-Gebiet 法兰克福市文化局
Frankfurt Cultural Bureau
Dr. Rainer Haerle 狼&蝎
Lang & Cie 比尔克图片公司 Brieke
版权 ©2019:艺术家(图片)、作者(文章)、德国 I O Cultural Network e. V 文化交流协 , 2019.10 版权所有,未经书面协议许可,请勿翻印或转载。 本书所收录的图片和文字资料由艺术家提供,部分来自皮特·布 劳霍兹 、法兰西思卡·维特、咖里特· 图南、 庸现、克劳斯·顺 乐科斯。版权均归作者所有。
Copyright ©2019 by the Artists (photos, articles), Authors (articles), I O Cultural Network e. V.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
All works of art copyright the artists, their heirs and assigns.
The images and articles in the appendix are provided by the artists, part from
Peter Braunholz, Franzska Veith, Gareth Tynan, Juan Xu, Klaus Schoenekaes, All rights reserved by the artists, photographers and authors.
ISBN 978-3-948591-53-3